Use PPC Campaign To NOT Miss Out Any Keywords That Might Bring The Right Clients To Your Website.
PPC Advertising
Pay-Per-Click is one of the fastest ways to drive targeted traffic to your website at a low cost. You can expand your reach, drive new leads and create new customers for your business as soon as your first search engine marketing campaign is live. In addition, every aspect of PPC marketing is measurable. You will know your daily budget, how much you pay for each click, and most importantly, your cost per conversion.
- Keyword Research
- Analyze Web Analytics and Goal Tracking
- Retire under-performing keywords
- Add variations of high-performing keywords
- Consistently add negative keywords
- Find new websites for the display network
- Write and test new ads weekly
- Recommend landing page improvements for headlines, body copy, contact form, and/or design
- Work with design team to improve conversions
- Increase/decrease bids
- Track and measure progress on a daily basis

Popular Features

Cost Per Result
You only pay when visitors click or response to your running ads on Facebook network.

Ads Insights
Facebook mаkеѕ ѕurе thаt your аdѕ аrе ѕееn bу the right people using targeting ads.

Targeted Audiences
Facebook mаkеѕ ѕurе thаt your аdѕ аrе ѕееn bу the right people using targeting ads.